上禮拜我才說要 改用 Delicious 為平日管理書籤的主要工具,沒想到才隔沒幾天,Google 就搞出了這套 Shared StuffTechCrunch 今天的報導「Google Wants You To Share Stuff」裡面是這麼說的:

Google has entered the social bookmarking market with a new product called Shared Stuff.

Shared Stuff is simple enough; users drag a “email/ share” button into their browser, and click it when they want to add pages to their Shared Stuff profile. Links can include an image, text extract, and/ or a user comment.

不過目前看來這個分享工具還只是個實驗性質的產品,尚未跟 Google Bookmarks 或其他產品整合,社群方面的功能也似乎還沒有出現,但起碼我認為又是個值得期待的產品啊!